Healthcare Heads Up

Worried about what is in store for your aging parents and how you fit into the picture?  By learning about commonly encountered situations before they occur, you will be better positioned to act quickly, protecting your family’s best interests.  Attend a workshop designed to help you understand what may be in store for the people who you love, in the not so distant future.

Learn from a compassionate expert who has in-depth knowledge about our often-times difficult to navigate healthcare system.  This way, you have the golden opportunity to side-step all too common pitfalls in which many vulnerable populations suffer.  I am confident you will find this information to be very beneficial and will greatly assist you in being your family’s best advocate.  You will leave with a sense of confidence and a clear idea of how to handle certain situations, before they occur.

Our friendly discussion focuses on ensuring safety, while maintaining independence and dignity.  In addition to honest answers to any burning questions you may have, it includes:

  • Easy adaptations that can be made in the home setting
  • What living environment is appropriate & when
  • How to engage assistance & what is available
  • Open discussion about what signs indicate disease progression
  • Explore concepts of caring
  • Review of insurance rules that can sometimes create barriers to excellent care
  • Methods to approach crucial conversations, while side-stepping confrontations
  • Red flags involving the operation of motor vehicles
  • Identification of common medications that can negatively affect the elderly
  • Valuable resources to have in hand when the chips are down

Gain knowledge that you can access when and if you ever need it.  Be able to step in and assist your family when they need you the most.   Remember:  Knowledge is power.

Please do not wait until you find yourself stuck in circumstances that you may have been able to avoid.


Healthcare Heads Up Upcoming Classes